Diro Charting Software
Charts That Are Clear, Colourful & Alive
Charting is a visual interpretation of a stock, therefore it is the most integral and visible component of Diro.
Indicators can be plotted on a chart enabling you to see past performance, current movements and future expectations.
Line studies can be drawn on a chart to show how prices and indicators react at certain price levels or time intervals. Every item onscreen responds to an instant menu when you click on it.
How can Diro help you?
Trade from the Charting platform: Buy and Sell Single Stock Futures & Alsi Futures direct through Diro
Have the charts of one share / instruments open in multiple time frames ie 1 min, 15 min, 30 min, daily & weekly on one chart page!
Charts That Are Clear, Colourful & Alive
A comprehensive and fully integrated portfolio manager, for up to date information on your investments
Technical & Fundamental Analysis
As an educated investor you need a flexible and fast technical & fundamental analysis tool to adapt to your trading style and to complete a wide range of tasks. Diro do that and much more!
It is the best technical and fundamental analysis software on the market. You can look at charts, run daily scans for new stock picks. With over 100 built-in indicators, tools, back-testing capabilities and a powerful scanning engine, Diro has the essential tools any investor needs. The use of the program is easy enough for a beginner yet fully comprehensive for the advanced investor and trader.

Real Time offers the most powerful money-making tools to help you find better trading opportunities.

Simply stunning charts, combined with the features and flexibility that serious traders need in an ever-changing market.
Indicator Library

Over 100 built-in indicators and line studies ensure you will find the indicators that work best with your trading style.
Free Technical Support

You'll always find a friendly technical support representative ready to help solve your problem.